Od 24. januára 2020 rozšírila náš tím kancelárie v Banskej Bystrici dobrovoľníčka Sara Mattera z Talianska, ktorú hosťujeme vďaka Európskemu zboru solidarity po dobu jedného roka.
Sara napísala niečo o sebe:
"My name is Sara, and I am 30 years old and I come from a small island in the South of Italy, called Ischia. I made the decision to volunteer in European Solidarity Corps last October. I came out of an hard and complicated time of my life to which was added the frustration of not find a permanent job. I studied communication and in the last five years I have worked in this field, especially as journalist but the working situation in Italy is not so good, especially in my island. So I sent my application for ESC, hoping that this experience can give me new opportunity. My destination is Banska Bystrica, in Slovakia where I will help the association “ Platforma dovrovoľníckych centier a organizácií” which I am a guest to spread the idea of volunteering with an ad hoc communication project."
Na projekte s názvom Objav dobrovoľníctvo! / Discover Volunteering! spolupracujeme s talianskou organizáciou Noi@Europe.